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10 Ways to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables-2022

In this article we read about 10 Ways to eat more fruits & vegetables in a day. Incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet is a great decision, but it isn't always an easy fix. If your plan so far has been the occasional ants on a log snack or substituting a side salad for french fries, you may need to be more strategic to meet your daily goal. (Currently, the CDC recommends at least one and a half to two cups of fruit and two to three cups of vegetables daily.

10 Ways to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables-2022

10 Ways to eat more fruits & vegetables day

1. Take Out the Blender

Adding fruit to your morning smoothie is an obvious choice to enrich your diet. But you can also add a few greens, such as spinach or zucchini, for a flavorless veggie. Even cauliflower rice is a flavor-free way to add thickness and nutrients.

While it may be tempting to use fruit juice as a liquid for your smoothies, most brands are high in sugar, so try to stick to whole fruit for flavor (and fiber) instead.

2. Get Ready

A little prep work can determine whether or not you are actually using this product in the refrigerator. By chopping up fruits or vegetables that won't spoil in the fridge (avoid tomatoes that become mushy or apples that may discolor), you can easily speed up cooking by slicing, chopping, or chopping ahead of time. . Make sliced ​​onions and peppers for fajitas, cut mangoes for morning oatmeal, or chop squash from walnuts for roasting.

RelatedHow to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

3. Try New Genres

It's easy to get caught in a rut if you rely on the same fruits and vegetables day in and day out. Instead, explore the produce section the next time you're grocery shopping and try a new vegetable or fruit. You never know, you might find a new favorite.

But stick with one new item at a time. This way, you won't risk letting something spoil before you've had a chance to try it.

4. Go Whirl

Turning veggie spirals, turning them into thick or thin pasta-like spirals, is a great way to change up their texture and preparation — and give you the flexibility to eat more vegetables. Some spiralized options include zucchini, zucchini, beets, cucumbers, potatoes, and squash. Use them as mock noodles in sauces or soups, to pop salads, or for homemade vegetable fries.

5. Go to Frozen

Some people are reluctant to try frozen fruits and vegetables because they think they taste better. While there is nothing wrong with favoring the texture of fresh produce, frozen options have a very similar nutritional composition, and in some cases, like vitamin C, actually contain more nutrients than produce. costs.

Having a few neat bags in the freezer can save you time (using a quick microwave for pre-boiled vegetables) and preparation hassles (like chopping pineapple or chopping pumpkin).

6. Breakfast in Bulk

With options like cereal, eggs, and bacon, breakfast can sometimes feel like a black hole when it comes to adding fresh fruits or vegetables. But you can easily change your routine by choosing dishes like oatmeal with chopped vegetables, fruit, marijuana, or vegetable quiche.

Related: The Best Reasons to Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

7. Be Sneaky

It can be hard to be sneaky with produce while cooking your own meals, but the rest of the family doesn't have to know. As soon as you sit down to dinner with a familiar dish, you will forget about all the secret ingredients inside - and nothing could be wiser.

8. Try Meat Monday

While you certainly don't have to go vegan to increase your fruit and vegetable intake, cutting out meat once a week can prompt you to be more creative when cooking at home. Consider options like spinach enchiladas, mushroom "meatballs," or vegetable pie as some of your hearty but meatless options.

9. Reorganize your Products

If the saying "out of sight, out of mind" is true, then perhaps the opposite is also true. In this case, just spotting a fruit in the fruit bowl while you're working in the kitchen will remind you to eat more fruit. Make sure to put the fruit bowl in the middle of the counter or place it in front of where you hide unhealthy snacks, such as candy bars or chips. Most ready-to-eat vegetables should be in the produce drawer of your refrigerator, but if you forget them often, skip the drawer and store the vegetables near eye level instead.

10. Add Delicious Flavor to the Fruit

Although the fruit is naturally sweet, it is a great addition to savory dishes. Try sliced ​​ham with apples, add extra fruit to a cheese board, slice up fruit for salsa, or even put peaches on your next pizza. Once you get out of the mindset that fruit is only for sweet dishes, you'll enjoy trying all the bold flavors.

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