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Nutritionists Say That Eating Fruit Every Day has Incredible Effects

Nutritionists Say That Eating Fruit Every Day has Incredible Effects

With the colorful fruits from the ground up out there, from apples to Zinfandel grapes, it's probably not hard to name one of nature's favorite sweets. Fruit is not only delicious, but it is also full of vitamins, minerals and fiber, making it the healthiest dessert.

Do you need a little incentive to increase your intake? Take a look at these 6 amazing effects of eating fruit every day.

Nutritionists Say That Eating Fruit Every Day has Incredible Effects

Fruit Reduces Inflammation

You may have heard the advice to "eat the rainbow". The often-promoted feed banner is not only useful for taking beautiful Instagram photos. Often the nutritional compounds that give fruits their color are also antioxidants, which are substances that fight free radicals and reduce inflammation.

Almost all fruits contain antioxidants, but some are real sources of energy. "

“Berries are rich in antioxidants, which help reduce inflammation, so they are my best recommendations,” says Carrie Gabriel, MS, RDN. Citrus fruits like oranges are also beneficial. "

The Fruit Prevents Chronic Diseases

When you reduce systemic inflammation by eating fruit every day, you will reap other incredible benefits in the process, including a reduced risk of certain chronic diseases.

“Fruit is full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytonutrients that work together in the body to boost your immune system,” says Danny Leibovitz, MS, RDN, author of A to Z With Fruits and Veggies. "Eating fruit every day provides your body with the protective effects of these nutrients, which can reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower blood pressure, and even prevent some types of cancer."

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Fruit Supports Gut Health

These days, there is a lot of hype about maintaining a healthy gut. (Don't miss our top eating habits for your gut health!) Having a thriving gut microbiome has been linked to everything from reduced risk of type 2 diabetes to improved mental health. Fruit can play an important role in keeping your digestive system happy and healthy.

“Fruit is a great source of dietary fiber, which helps us maintain a healthy gut and prevents digestive issues like constipation,” Gabriel says. "The fiber in the fruit also helps you feel fuller for longer, makes digestion more efficient, and helps support good bacteria in the gut, which is essential for healthy digestion."

Some people may find that eating a lot of fruit upsets their stomach, rather than calming it. For these people, Gabriel recommends a simple trick.

Fruit Improves Skin Health

The secret to glowing skin may not be in your medicine cabinet, but in your fruit basket! Eating fruit every day is a simple way to improve skin health. (And we're talking about eating it, not putting in an apricot rub.)

"The fruit is full of powerful antioxidants that can help slow skin cell damage by reducing inflammation and providing protection against free radicals," explains Leibovitz. “Free radicals can accelerate the appearance of aging in the skin by breaking down collagen in the body, which leads to wrinkles and a dull, uneven skin tone.”

To combat these problems, Leibovitz recommends choosing fruits rich in vitamin C, such as guavas, kiwis, strawberries and oranges. Or check out our list of 33 of the best foods for glowing skin.

Fruit Helps You Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is a solid part of a healthy lifestyle, but not all fluids have to come from drinks. Some may come from food. Fruit treasure full of hydration!

“Many fruits contain large amounts of water that can help with hydration,” Gabriel says. "Watermelon is one of the most hydrating fruits, with one cup containing about half a cup of water, as well as fibre, vitamins and minerals. Strawberries and cantaloupe are also not far behind in water content."

So what is the problem with hydration? Gabriel says the benefits of getting enough fluids daily are endless.

"Not only does it aid in digestion, [it also] helps cushion joints, transports nutrients into cells, and helps keep blood pressure and heart rate balanced."

Fruit Supports Weight Loss

If you are on a weight loss diet (especially the low-carb types), you may have steered clear of fruits for fear that they contain too many sugars and carbohydrates. But fruit isn't necessarily an enemy of your waistline. In fact, convincing research shows the opposite. A study of more than 26,000 adults found that the more fruits (and vegetables) people ate, the lower their percentage of body fat. A 2019 systematic review concluded that the fruit may have a place in preventing and managing obesity and excess body fat.

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“Eating fruits daily can help you lose weight because most of them are relatively low in calories and high in fiber, which means they will help you feel fuller for longer,” says Leibovitz. "Try fruits that are high in fiber and low in sugar like passion fruit, raspberries, blackberries and pomegranate."

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