Do apples contain vitamin d? Do oranges contain vitamin D? What about grapefruit and vitamin D? When it comes to fruits and vitamin D, these are the questions to ask.

If you're looking for foods that will help you achieve your vitamin D goals, you'll want to look beyond fruit. As far as we know, there are no fruits that contain vitamin D.

But there are many other reasons why you should be sure to include fruits in your daily diet. This week we will talk about the 15 most popular fruits and why they are good for you. Plus, we'll tell you, if not through fruit, how you can get your daily dose of much-needed Vitamin D.

15 Famous Fruits That May or May Not Contain Vitamin D

Spoiler alert: They don't. But read on to find out why it might be useful to you anyway.

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Do apples contain vitamin D

The old saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” is a testament to the health benefits of this popular fruit. But guess it. When it comes to vitamin D, it doesn't matter if you eat it raw, cooked or boiled, with or without the peel, because apples contain no vitamin D at all. But they are rich in fiber (they eat the peel) and rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C.

Does avocado contain vitamin D

Avocado is a healthy fruit and one of the "good fats". They are a great source of a number of nutrients, including several letter vitamins, such as vitamins C, E, K and some B vitamins. But you won't find this essential vitamin in avocados. However, when it comes to fat-soluble nutrients, such as vitamin D, avocados play a big role. They help your body absorb nutrients like vitamin D.

Do Bananas contain vitamin D

No, there is no vitamin D here. But bananas contain a lot of magnesium. And imagine what? Among the many reasons why you need magnesium is that once vitamin D reaches your bloodstream, magnesium activates it, making magnesium essential for you to access the many benefits of vitamin D.

Do Blueberries contain vitamin D

By now, you've no doubt heard that blueberries are considered a "super food". It's a nutrient-dense food that packs a punch when it comes to benefits, but is also low in calories. Full of antioxidants (such as vitamin C) and rich in fiber, vitamin K, manganese and potassium. But vitamin D is not hidden or visible in blueberries.

Does clementine contain vitamin D

Not a drop of vitamin D can be found in clementines. This small, sweet fruit belongs to the same family as oranges and tangerines, and is sometimes called tangerine. But like their tasty and healthy relatives, clementines do not contain vitamin D. They are among the smallest of the orange family and, according to some, the sweetest. They're easy to peel, seed-free, and packed with vitamin C and some other vitamins and minerals, including folic acid and thiamine.

Does coconut milk contain vitamin D

You get C, Es and a number of B's, plus loads of minerals like calcium, sodium, iron, selenium, and more in coconut. But not vitamin D. However, there are brands of coconut milk on the market that are fortified with vitamin D, so if you like the taste of coconut and want to boost your vitamin D intake, check the label to see how it works. You've added plenty of Vitamin D to your favorite brand of coconut milk.

Does Elderberry contain vitamin D

In addition to the beautiful color, elderberry is rich in anthocyanins, high in vitamin C, and a good source of flavanols. Elderberry is believed to be beneficial for the immune system. But again, there is no vitamin D in elderberry.

Grapefruit and Vitamin D

Vitamin C and potassium are two important nutrients that you get from grapefruit. However, vitamin D is nothing else. While grapefruit is known to have potential interactions with some medications and some foods, this fruit doesn't seem to be a problem if you're taking a vitamin D supplement.

Do grapes contain vitamin D

Get polyphenols from grapes, especially green ones. On the other hand, purple and red grapes are full of anthocyanins, which are a specific type of polyphenol. They are all antioxidants, free radical scavengers and cell destroyers that cause oxidative damage in your body. (If you've been following our topic here, you already know that grapes do not contain vitamin D.)

Does kiwi contain vitamin D

Kiwi fruit is one of the best sources of vitamin C. Other antioxidants found in this unusual-looking fruit include choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin. Kiwi fruit also contains folate, some vitamin K, and small amounts (not much!) of calcium and phosphorous. And we don't have to tell you, there is no vitamin D.

Does lemon contain vitamin D

Another member of the citrus family, lemons contain soluble fiber, plant compounds, and of course vitamin C, all of which provide a variety of health benefits. As with its citrus cousins, eating the whole fruit (except the peel) is generally preferable to drinking it (we're talking juice) to reap the benefits of citrus fruits. But keep in mind that there is a downside to excessive citrus intake, and that is citric acid, which is not friendly to tooth enamel. (By the way, there is no vitamin D in lemons.)

Do oranges contain vitamin D

Oranges may be the closest thing to a fruit that contains vitamin D. However, the proximity is not close enough. What do we mean? Although oranges don't contain vitamin D, many orange juices are fortified with vitamin D (and often calcium, since the two nutrients work in tandem), which is a good option to get some vitamin D in your diet. (However, a lot of orange juice usually comes with more sugar than you'd like, and as a rule, it's best to eat the whole fruit. While there's nothing wrong with starting your day with a glass of fortified orange juice, unless your doctor tells you otherwise."

Does pumpkin contain vitamin D

Believe it or not, squash is considered a fruit, not a vegetable. (So, that's a question you can stop googling.) There's a long list of vitamins and minerals found in pumpkin: A, B2, C, E, iron, copper, manganese and potassium. And yes, you guessed it. There is no vitamin D.

Do Strawberries contain vitamin D

By now you know that strawberries do not contain vitamin D, but they are a good source of vitamins C and vitamin B9 (folic acid), as well as potassium and manganese.

Do Tangerines contain vitamin D

Very similar to clementines, but not sweet and a little difficult to peel, this fruit is packed with vitamin C (but not vitamin D) and other antioxidants. They also have some B vitamins and potassium.

Tips: Fruit is part of a healthy diet and the latest advice from the US government recommends eating two cups of fruit per day. To meet this recommendation, talk to your doctor, dietitian, or other health professional about whether it's best to mix up your daily fruits or stick to two or three of your favorite foods. Also, if you have diabetes, be sure to talk to your doctor about the pros and cons of the fruit.

If it's not fruit, how do you get vitamin D

We wanted to reinforce the lack of vitamin D in the fruit. However, there are four ways to get vitamin D. Although the prevailing wisdom is that you should get nutrients from food first and then add supplements, in the case of Vitamin D, it is really difficult to achieve optimal benefits from food alone.

These are the four ways to get vitamin D

Sun. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, UV rays cause the body to produce vitamin D. On the other hand, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can lead to skin cancer.

Fortified foods/foods. While some foods, such as fatty fish (salmon is a great option), egg yolks, beef liver, and fortified milk or orange juice, are good sources of vitamin D, unless you're regularly in your diet in adequate amounts, you still may not be getting enough. These are important nutrients.

Nutritional supplements. This is a good option. Be sure to follow the label directions and buy from a reputable source.

Prescription. If you have a particularly low level of vitamin D, your doctor may recommend a high dose and likely follow up with regular blood tests to see how vitamin D levels in your blood are affected.